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- Its based on Martysama Source
- GCC10
- C++20
- VS2022
- all updated Externs
- deleted whole deprecated or dead codes
- V10 Binary, with new structure
- Sourceside ymir bug fixes by me: 142
- Binaryside ymir bug fixes by me: 43
I have optimized the Source to get an better performance - reworked every datatype, varibale.
Im using the offical leaked root (pythons) - why? to be able to use pythons to reduce mem leaks!
I have seperated the whole Inventory (DS, EQ, BELT) -> now its full supported to use every windowtype extra!
I have reversed alot of Systems - what means reversed?
-> Im using the offical Exe, Read out with IDA to see the "peudos" and create the function based of the information i get.
-> the most of my Systems are reversed. so its unique! I didnt shared it to another one.
I dont use "public Systems" - even a systems i like, i will rework it fully to optimize it and check if it will crashing me or not.
Im using the last Offical Client (fully)!
The files are running on Windows [Windows-Server] or Freebsd 13.x
Here are some previews [my favourite one]:
Multilingual System available in: [AE, CZ, DE, DK, EN, ES, FR, GR, HU, IT, NL, PL, PT, RO, RU, TR]
most of my Files using offical Lines (locale_string) - just only the Custom Systems are Translatet just only in DE and in other Langs in EN (because i have no translator) -> but just only
This files have all the actual quests but need to be translated !#
- Battle Pass
- Trio of monsters
- Catch the King
- Duel of Seers
- Okey Card Game
- Flower Power
- Fishing Jigsaw
- Jackpot
- Default Dungeons: DT, DC, SD, SD2, SD3 + Boss, Grotto 1&2 + Boss, and so on...
- Whole new Element Maps
- Temple of the Ochao
- Meley's Lair
- Red Dragon Fortress
- Nemere's Watchtower
- Enchanted Forest
- White Dragon
- Serpent Temple
- Plateau of Illusions + [Time Rift & Redux Dungeons]
- Zodiac
- Ship defence
pkg install -y boost-all devil gcc8 gcc9 gcc10 gmake makedepend subversion gdb python python2 python27 mysql57-client mysql57-server cryptopp llvm

MySQL 5.5
Python 2.7
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Dosyayı indir, full download - FreeBSD 11.4 GCC - Tunga.rar
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